Friday, February 7, 2014

Decisions Suck !

So I have decided not to have a trainer anymore. My husband and I have been trying really hard to get our finances in order so we can start saving and not be living paycheck to paycheck anymore. Unfortunately that means some cut backs on the extra spending. It sucks because I have really learned a lot and my trainer is awesome but we have to do what we have to do. I am confident I can take what I was taught and continue doing good. I just get nervous not having that accountability aspect there anymore. Where is that dang money tree when you need it?
I have been doing really good with my food this week, I started slacking again last week and eating a little carbs here and there and it really affects the scale. I am PMSing right now so chocolate is all I want and it sucks oh and salty. I got a bag of pork rinds to fix that craving but all that sodium is no good and makes me retain water even more. Well I guess that is the joys of being a woman. LOL
I have my 6 month check up on the 19th of this month and am looking forward to seeing the doctor and asking some questions. I also have a nutritional class which is always informative.
Counseling started on Wednesday and went very well and I really look forward to it every week. Our counselor specializes in bariatric patients so it is very nice. I for see great things with this.

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