Monday, February 17, 2014

Running after Injury! and GOALS!!!

Yay! Today was my first run/walk since my broken foot and it went awesome. I can actually say I ran, cause I did 5 mph, 5.5 mph and 6.0 mph. Haven't ran at that pace in forever. I wanted to push myself a bit but not too hard cause I am worried about re-injuring my foot. It felt great. I warmed up 5 mins and then ran 2 mins, walked 2 mins for 38 mins. My first mile I did at 15:22 , second mile 14:40. I was sweating like crazy but not dying from not breathing, I was surprised at myself. I am only going to run 2x's this week and then add a day next week. I don't want to over do it. Baby steps!! I did work out both Saturday and Sunday this weekend. I missed too many days last week not too. I found this training session workout with Dolvette from Biggest loser on and down loaded them to my phone. There is one on elliptical, treadmill and outdoor run. I did the elliptical one both Saturday and Sunday and it was fun. It is hard not to make fun of him talking while I am working out but it really did motivate me to push myself harder. I will have to build myself up to the treadmill one cause he has you going 6mph, 7mph and all the way up to 8.5 mph and I know I am not there yet. My goal right now is to be able to run 5 mins straight no stopping. I still haven't signed up for any 5k's yet. I will soon enough I think I have been a little nervous. It is funny how you hurt yourself and then it takes you a while to get back on the horse. I was considering one on St.Patrick's day but I still think that is too early so I will find one in April or just wait until May when I have 3 in a row. So my second goal right now is to lose 14 lbs by April 4th. 7 weeks ! I know I can do it and that will get me to under 200 lbs which will be AWESOME!!! So excited for that! 

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