Friday, February 14, 2014

Feeling Confident and Pretty today!!

It has been a while since I could say "I feel pretty" , it is amazing how that feels. Confidence is there too and it has been missed. Everyone should feel this way every day. I haven't dropped a huge amount of weight lately but I have finally started to realize that it isn't so much about the weight but about how you feel. I started in a size 28 jeans and today I am wearing a size 18 to work. Unbelievable!!! I haven't been in 18 since 1998. It is all of this that is so rewarding!!!
So an update on the moving, not happening. We are going to take the landlord up on the $200 reduction for the year and $50 increase each year after that. I am very happy about that and this will help us get out of our financial rut and start going for our ultimate goal of our own house again.
I didn't workout this morning :/ I had my alarm going off for 30 mins just hit it off and rolled over. I guess I needed some extra sleep. I will be in both days this weekend to make up for it. I did my legs yesterday and surprised myself when I got up this morning and my legs are sore. I sometimes feel like I don't push myself hard enough but I felt the push this morning in my tush!!! LOL

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