Monday, February 24, 2014

Losing my Motivation!!

It happens all the time to everyone and I hate it. I am losing my Motivation. The weight loss has slowed and as much as I like to tell myself to stop looking at the #'s and concentrate on how I feel it is easier said then done. I don't know why I am losing the motivation , I can't pin point the exact reason besides the weight loss slowing. Oh and I think too it has something to do with not having a trainer anymore. There was that certain push there that I am not feeling anymore. It sucks but I have to push through this and get back on the saddle. I was doing good and feeling good,  it will return. These past 3 days of not working out hasn't helped either. Saturday slept through alarm , Sunday is my rest day and this morning darnit slept through alarm again. I have to say that sleep needs to be concentrated on again. I need to get to bed earlier and stop getting distracted before bed. Eating has been pretty good had a few lapses of judgement this weekend but nothing horrible. But I have to stop grabbing the sweets and talking myself into why I deserve that cookie. I do deserve a sweet now and then but right now I need to stick to the plan and stop taking side roads. So back to dedicating myself!!! I am going to sign up for a 5k in March or April even if I don't run it all at least I will have something to look forward too and motivate me.

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