Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Everyday Stresses!

So even more decisions to stress me out. We are contemplating moving to a cheaper place but not sure if we should. It will be saving us $400 a month but it is much smaller and not in the same school district. I really don't want to move my eldest daughter to a different school again. I am not too worried about the youngest she has that personality where she can get a long with anyone. I also have so much shit still from our old house piled up in storage and would have no place for it anymore. I would have to get rid of a cat and thats not so bad but it still sad to me. I have been beating myself up over this and today let the landlord know and he flipped out!!!! Not going to let us move he said. I will take the rent down $200 for the next year ........ OMG!!!! I wasn't expecting that at all. Now what to do!! I have been sick this week and feeling like crap. I didn't workout yesterday or today, I had to give blood this morning so I had to fast and on Tuesday I woke up feeling like my head was going to explode. Why does this have to happen right before my appointment with the surgeon. I wanted to crank it out this week with exercising so I could drop a few before the appointment but doesn't look like that is going to happen. Well I am not eating as much cause of being sick so maybe that will equal things out. I hope I start feeling better quickly. I 'm ready for spring I want to go for walks with the girls and enjoy the outdoors again.

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