Friday, December 6, 2013


The joys of injuries. The good news is my knee is back to normal the bad news is my big toe on my left foot is so painful right now. And yesterday my right ankle started to bug me. It is the price I am paying for having crappy gym shoes. The toe is the worst having a really hard time walking on it. I have a doctors appt on Wednesday so we shall see what is up. I got some sports tape so I can wrap my big toe and see if that helps. I am a big advocate of WebMD symptom checker and it seems that I may have Turf Toe. It is where you hyper extend the ligament in the toe from usually running or extreme sports. I noticed a little pain in it while training for the 5k and ever since the 5k it has been getting worse. No good!! Everytime before I would get injured and then fall back into my trap of over eating and emotional eating. This is why I am so happy I had the sleeve done because it is not possible to do that. My stomach wont let me eat that way anymore. I have to stay positive and break through this another reason I am so happy i have a trainer too. Because he will know what I can still do with these injuries so I don't have to neccessarily stop all together. Weighed in this morning and have lost 2 lbs this week putting me at 225. I was surprised cause this week exercise has been lacking and eating has been off a little. But I am so happy and I am now 7 lbs away from 100 lbs gone forever. And my new tattoo!!!

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