Friday, December 20, 2013

Injury worse than I thought!

Well wasn't turf toe like I thought. I actually broke a bone in my foot!! WTH I guess thats what I get for thinking I was Wonder Woman and skinny already. I guess my foot couldn't handle all this !!! Just kidding I definately think new shoes are in order and some extra foot support. I refuse to stop I still want to hit 5 5k's this year and maybe a 10K. But it's now based on how my feet handle it. Silly feet. So now I am in a special shoe and will be for a while. Great. But I went to the gym today and tried the bicycle and was able to fit the shoe in the strap so it will now be my mode of cardio for a while. But I really need to find something to help with my butt hurting so bad. Before I had so much padding it never hurt when on the bike , now I am in pain within 15 mins. No fun!! Hoping it gets use to it and just toughens up... Did my weights too so I still have those two. I have got back on track with eating this week and lost 2 lbs. Time to get serious again NO MORE EXCUSES!!! Things with the hubby have gotten better a few rough weeks but we have passed those and gotten stronger. He has officially lost 35 lbs since October and I am so proud of him. Working out still with the Trainer and things are going good. Thank god I have him right now because I would think I couldn't do anything and I would sit at home all depressed. Christmas is almost here and I am stressed . I still haven't started shopping and have to do it this weekend in snow storms. Great!!! Well looking forward to my vacation in a week! Can't wait!!

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