Friday, December 27, 2013

2 lb weight gain!!! Yikes!!

Well Fridays are my weigh in days and today unfortunately I gained 2 lbs. First time gaining since Last December so it was a little downer but I am feeling better. I always say to not dwell on things and so I am going to take my own advice. I just wanted to share that even with surgery you can gain and you can mess up and you just have to learn from it and move on. I know I have been eating crap and carbs so I know what I need to do to get back on track. I found myself this morning at the gym bored as hell on the bike during my workout. I am hoping that my foot is healing and on the 2nd I get some good news and can at least start on the Elliptical again cause this is getting old real fast. I am suppose to start back with Zumba on the 11th and will be so upset if I can't. I love Zumba. So much fun and something I can do with the girls that is active. I am looking forward to today being over because I go on vacation for 11 days no work. Awesome!!! I can't wait time to organize at home clean out the junk in my cabinets and go shopping and spend some quality time with my babies!! I miss them so much through out the year. It is not easy being a mom and working full time. I get about 3.5 hours with them each day and It just isn't enough. I swear they grew up way too fast. This is why I get up at 4:30 almost every morning to go workout because I am not taking time away from them I can workout with no guilt and love that. And they get the best me in the morning and at night, well most of the time. It isn't easy balancing everything but I do my best and hope along the way I am not neglecting anyone.

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