Thursday, December 26, 2013

Holidays & New Years Resolutions!

So the holidays are over. I made it but not happy with how I handled myself. Thanksgiving was actually worse than Christmas. I know I ate way too much of the bad stuff but I continued to exercise so I didn't gain anything but still feel pretty horrible. Out of 3 feast of nights I only got sick to my stomach one of them by eating too much. The other 2 nights I just used the cardinal rule- PROTEIN FIRST and didn't end up eating too much after that. The ham and turkey on Christmas was so good I really didn't want any of the bad stuff after that. So I have brushed myself off and am starting to crack down now. Today is a new day and I will not dwell on what is in the past!! I actually woke up this morning and went to workout on very little sleep but did it and feel pretty good about that. It did help knowing my Trainer would be there. I am not too sure I would have gone otherwise. It is nice having to be accountable to someone instead of just yourself. This is one thing that has helped me through this winter so far. Thankfully we don't do anything huge for New Years! It is my daughters 10th birthday this year so we may go out for dinner or do something like that but I always order salmon or something healthy when we eat out. It isn't hard for me to eat out healthy! That is one thing I have gotten really good at. So the fun of the New Year's and all the resolutions people make. I know the one I have had for the last 13 yrs has been lose weight. Well 2013 has been successful with that one. So here goes my list of New Year's Resolutions/ Goals list
1. Volunteer this year
2. Run in 5 5k's
3. Start and stay on budget
4. Go to Great America
5. Plan a date night 1x a month
6. Get more involved in the girls School
7. Karaoke Night

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