Saturday, December 21, 2013

5 months Out and Odd's and Ends

So even with my foot I have been able to ride the bike at the gym and keep doing my weights. Today I really cranked it out on the Bike and was sweating just as much as if I was on the Elliptical. I did HIIT on the bike did 60 rpms and then up to 100 rpms and so forth. Did that for 45 mins. I refuse to give up and make this stall me in weight loss and progressing further. I am determined to get these last 4 lbs off before January 1st. So that I can say I lost 100 lbs in 2013!!!! I can do it!!
I am getting a little bored with my eating. I pretty much eat the same things every week and I am needing some new ideas. Right now my breakfast is a protein drink, snack in morning is almonds, lunch is turkey burger w/cheese, snack in afternoon is cheese stick and hummus or edamame, dinner is meat and veggies, sometimes night time snack not all the time and it will be edamame or cheese stick. I haven't really added fruit in because when i did i stopped losing the weight like before. I also stopped sneaking carbs. I was finding myself slipping too much.
Monday is my 5 month surgeryversary I can't believe 5 months have gone by. It has been a whirl wind of a time. I have learned alot about myself in these past 5 months. I definately have an issue with emotional eating and have mourned some of my most famous foods that I would indulge in. I have also learned that this process isn't easy for my husband either and I have to be open minded about what he is going threw at this time too. I still have issues with stopping myself from eating when I feel full. I don't know if it is because I still can't tell when Im full or that I just don't want the good food to end. It is a battle I am working on to fix. As of Friday I have lost 61 lbs since surgery and a grand total of 96 lbs total. Only 23 lbs away from under 200 which I never thought I'd see again in my life time. I can't wait. I feel great and know that with every lb gone I will feel even better. Can't wait to see what the next 5 months bring!!!

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