Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Random Thoughts

Well I have been juggling about 2 or 3 lbs for the past couple of weeks. I need to stop stepping on the scale everyday . It use to be a motivator it has now become a dictator. Dictator of my day and how I am feeling. The scale is only one measurement and I need to stop making it the only one . I measure myself too and take monthly pics those still motivate me. I also hate that the scale at home and the scale at the gym are off by 4 lbs. Thats a big difference and frustrates me. I will get over that eventually. I have gotten to a mental block that has been pissing me off, I feel like I am not going to get any lower on the scale. The constant back and forth has made me start thinking this way. I am trying to smack myself out of this but sometimes you mind is too strong. I know once my foot is healed and I can start really pushing myself more I will snap out of this and once the weather gets better too. Winter sucks!!! I guess this is a bitch fest today and I am sorry but I need to vent and typing it out is a great release for me.
I had an awesome vacation and really had some quality time spent with my girls and hubby. I just can't get over how fast these kids grow up. Emilee is such a smart little girl and I loved having conversations with her. Kaylee is at that point where I really need to be there for her emotionally. She is such a kind hearted kid and gets so emotional. I complain sometimes because I don't have a boy and girls are so hard for me but it is times like this vacation that I really appreciate them and couldn't ask for two better kids. Went sledding with them over vacation and I really sledded. I had so much fun went down the hill so many times and back up the hill and not once got out of breath!!! I don't even remember being able to do that when I was a kid. It was awesome! I was sore as hell the next day but it was worth it.
I am going to be celebrating 6 months post op this month on the 22nd. I can't believe it. I was hoping to be in Onderland by then but I know that won't happen. That's ok I will get there. The weight is coming off so much slower now and it is so hard to accept it. Zumba starts on Friday , I think I am still going to go so the girls can have some fun. I may participate but obviously not do all the jumping and stuff. 

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