Wednesday, April 30, 2014

9 Months down

9 months and gained 2 lbs since 8 months. Boo! But I have made some changes in my life this month that has cause some extra water weight. The dreaded Birth Control. Now no excuses though I have to be completly honest with myself - I have introduced a few other foods and drinks into my diet that aren't doctor approved.... carbs and alcohol. I have definately been less strict this month, if I have a craving I am satisfying my craving. I know if I would have remained strict as hell I would have stayed the same or dropped. I have noticed since starting birth control that my cravings are more then they use to be. Which sucks but I have to teach myself how to control those cravings and the sizes I eat. I can't fit a lot in my stomach but the bad foods are still bad. I am disappointed with the gain but at the same time I am still so damn proud of how far I ve come. I feel great and I know I will hit onderland soon!!! Hopefully :( Considering I am now injured once again and having to do therapy right now. Met with my physical therapist yesterday and was told no cardio for at least a month. I can walk on the treadmill thats all. No elliptical no bike no running :(  Walking is great but I can't do much cause it does bother my knee so boo! They said by what they felt and examine yesterday I may have torn my LCL. Trying a month of therapy to see if that helps if not then I will have to get an MRI to make sure.  Let me tell you my knee is so sore today .... and I didn't do anything strenous I just did all the stretching and it is killing me. Stupid knee!!! So this month I am concentrating on my food and what I am eating. I want to try clean eating so that is something I am going to start.

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