Thursday, April 3, 2014

8 months post op and 5K results!

On March 22nd I hit 8 months post op and I am down a total of 110 lbs and 75 lbs since surgery. Things have been moving along very slow these days and it does get a little hard to stay motivated cause I feel fat still. I am starting to wear clothes that actually fit now and it is playing games with my head. I am constantly comparing pics to keep me grounded. When I started this journey my personal weight loss goal was to lose 90 lbs by 9 months post op. I am still trying for that but not too confident I will meet it. I will be close though. I am eating 1200 calories a day and mainly protein, veggies and fruit. I have my occasional piece of ezekiel bread with peanut butter or some chocolate when I crave it. I figure better to have it then to deprive myself and end up binging on it. I have had popcorn too. I have found I can not stomach milk at all. No yogurt for me either. I kind of miss that and I am a bit sad about that but I am now on a hunt for a good tasting greek yogurt to see if I can eat that but everyone I have tasted has been disgusting to me. A typical week of working out is Mon- Friday and sometimes Saturday too. I have my trainer on Mon and Thursday and then do strength and cardio on my own the rest of he week. I average about an hour and 1/2 at the gym and I do from 30 mins to an hour of cardio (treadmill, elliptical, bike)

Had my first 5k this year on 3/30 and my 1st 5K with my Hubby!!! Back at Thanksgiving I ran the 5K in 47 mins this 5k I ran in 39:39. I shaved 8 mins off my time. I was so happy. My goal was to hit the 45 mins I had originally had for my goal on Thanksgivings 5k and I blew that out of the water. And I didn't die. I felt awesome!! It is still a lot harder for me running outside which does frustrate me a little while I am running. I can go 10 mins on the treadmill but maybe 2 mins outside and then I have to walk. I know it will get better as I am running more outside.
 We celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary the day after the run and have decided that we will do this 5K every year for it. One reason I got the sleeve done was so that me and him could get healthier along with the girls so I feel like it is a way of keeping that promise to my family and myself. I felt pretty good the next day not too much soreness. It is my hips that bother me the most now. I got new running shoes in our local running store - Runners Soul. They are Brooks-Adreline. I absolutely love them. It was fun going into the store and running on a treadmill for them so they can see what type of shoes my feet need. I loved the people there too. I forsee myself going  there alot and I know my hubby isn't going to be happy. LOL I am actually going to take him in there next to get him some good shoes. He is on his feet all day and deserves it.

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