Monday, April 14, 2014

2nd 5K down loving running!!

I was offered a free ticket to a 5k at Wrigley this past weekend and just couldn't pass it up. I want to do as many as I can so I can hit my goal and get better. I had to go by myself which was a little nerve racking considering I have never been down there before. I parked about a 1/2 mile from the park. Wasn't a bad walk at all. The area is so nice. I met some people on the walk to the park from Austin Tx. Also had a few people I chatted with while waiting for the race to start. People were really fun. I ran almost all the race . I just kept telling myself I wasn't going to die and kept pushing myself. I think I walked maybe 3 mins during the first mile and about the same for the 2nd mile. Third mile sucked I was a little worn out and walked a bit more. I need to learn how to pace myself better in the beginning so I can end the races better. I ran in at 43 mins but it took a while to get to the start line because I was at the end of the line. It was a fun run so it wasn't chipped timed but If I go by my music on my phone I came in at the beginning of my 36 min song. I have them timed out so I think I finished between 36 and 39 mins . I am going to have to start saving for a Garmin GPS watch so I can time on my own. This was the biggest race I've been in so I did notice I had to dodge people a lot more then in any other race. Almost tripped twice, ha ha!! And almost tripped someone. I had a lot of fun! I didn't like that I got lost on the walk back to my car though. I swear I turned down the right street and just kind of followed the crowd too. Now the walk to the race took maybe 10-15mins tops and about a 1/2 hour into my walk back to the car I realized hmmm been walking a lot longer so I took out my phone and mapped it. Wow did I feel like an idiot!!! Standing on the corner of a street trying to figure out where I was. Took about 20 mins to get to my car from where I was but the walk was nice and the I never felt uncomfortable or like I was in any danger. So next year I want to do it again but with a group or at least 1 other person. I already started recruiting some family and friends. I really never thought I'd see the day I would go to a 5k by myself and enjoy it so damn much. Also loving running so much. I know I liked it back in highschool but forgot how much until now. I have 2 5k's next month that I am really looking forward too. Girls on the Run with Kaylee on the 10th and Run for the Roses on the 17th. Then on the 31st I have the ALS walk which isn't timed or anything like that it is more of a leisure pace and to raise money and awareness. Still searching for a June run and July run.

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