Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Injured.... AGAIN!!

 Alright , Alright, Alright!!! Enough already! Can't even go 6 months without injurying myself. So frustrated. Did a box jump yesterday made it but tweaked my knee and fell off the box. So not cool!! LOL well all day yesterday my knee just kept getting bigger and bigger until I couldn't bend it. Iced it , bengay and woke up this morning not able to walk. :( Awesome. Went to the ER and at least nothing is broken , thank god but I have fluid in my knee and have to go see an orthopedic doctor now. To top it all off it is the same knee I had my ACL replaced back over 15 years ago. I swear my worst nightmare .... Never thought I would feel this pain again. I have crutches and a knee immobilizer which is so much fun. Shouldn't be driving but really have no other choice but to drive. Just in town not far distances as of now. I must find something to do to still burn some calories . I remember an episode of biggest loser where one of them was injured and they had him doing boxing while sitting on his bed and he was sweating. I am going to try that cause I am not going to let this ruin my job so far. Well what else is new..... I decided to go back on birth control and it has made me gain a little weight back which is another frustrating thing going on right now. I have been on it for a little over a week and gained 7 lbs. Yipee!!! I read that it is water retention in the beginning and should stop and level out so I can start losing again. I really hope so otherwise I will need to rethink my choice. Man when it rains it poors !!!!! I need to remain as positive as possible and not let this get me down. I  know my upper body will be getting a great workout with these stupid crutches thats for sure..... Positive thought #1.... :)

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