Thursday, March 20, 2014

What is this TABATA you speak of??? ....LOL

Well things are going well my motivation is coming back. I have a 5K on the 30th so I finally got out and ran outside. Man it is so different then on the treadmill. My breathing is all over the place and I think I am running faster so it is harder. I ran from my house to my parents what would have been 3 miles turned into to 4 because I dropped my house key during the run and had to retrace my tracks to find it. Thankfully I did find it and from now on I will be bringing my bulky keys with and just straping it to my bra like I use to. I felt great after the run though, not too worn out and a little hyper. Now the day after my hip was bothering me ALOT! I had to use Bengay which I am in love with now cause damn it works good. I have been talking about getting new shoes for a while but no more talking I am out next weekend to get them. I won't be able to use them for this 5K but at least I will have them for the next one. I am amazed how well my knees have been holding up, not much pain in that area which is what I was worried about. I had set a goal to do 5  5k's this year. 1 will be down on the 30th and I think there is one in April I want to do but still not sure. I know May is packed I have one on the 10th with my daughter and one on the 17th. So 3 down, now I have to search for some in the summer. Ok so on to the title of this post.....
TABATA heard about it but never tried it until today. If your not familiar with it , it is High-Intensity interval training three to ten reps of high intensity exercise followed by medium intensity exercise for recovery. For example my trainer had me do squats with the kettlebell 8x's -each was I think a min and 1/2  and then elliptical for 2 1/2 mins. Then medicine ball throws and run on treadmill... etc. Awesome workout but hard as hell. I know I will be feeling it for a few days. I hope to do many many more of those cause I was dripping sweat. I then tried to run/walk the treadmill and that was funny cause my legs felt like they weighed 800 lbs so it ended up being walking mainly. I will make up for it tomorrow morning. I can tell I wasn't running right either cause my shins are sore. So back on track trying to stay motivated and staying on track with food. I have another goal in place 40 lbs gone by August. I know I can do it and will crush it!!!   

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