Monday, March 10, 2014

Feeling better!

Last week was rough but I am feeling better this week. My husband surprised me last week and told me to start training again. He is such a great guy!!! He is realizing how much it did motivate me to keep working. So I am so excited and can't wait. I also cleaned the house crazy on Sunday so that always makes me feel better. Plus I love spring and it is coming!!! Last week I went back to basics on my eating and kept track of everything and started weighing and measuring again . It worked cause I dropped the 2 lbs I gained and an additional pound. Very happy about that. I just have to keep on keeping on. We all have our moments it is what we do after those moments that really matter!! I am not giving up and will continue to better myself. My daughter started her Girls on the Run last week, which is a program at school that they train for a 5k and learn how to socialize better and build their confidence and self worth. I will be doing this race with her this year. I am so excited, I remember last year sitting at the finish line waiting for her and her Dad uncomfortable and tired. Not this year I will be crossing that line with her. Can't wait! I have a week off at the end of the month for Spring Break with the girls, I am looking forward to that. We are redecorating both of the girls bedrooms and they will be officially in there own rooms. It will be a fun and busy week!!!

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