Monday, June 2, 2014

June is here!

So found out today that I graduate from physical therapy on Friday!!! Whoo hoo, however I can't start running again until I can do 30 one leg squats in a row and 30 calf raises in a row. So going to be working hard on that. My physical therapist did give me a back to running schedule so I don't end up back there too soon. I started a little running on my own last week but I will be scaling back on that just so I don't get injured. I have at home or gym exercises I need to do. I can definately tell a difference in my quads they are stronger but I have to work on my hips they aren't so strong. I was told about a month more before he thinks I can run again. Boo hoo to that but I have to remain patient.
With all that being said I am being a bit defiant of his instructions because the past 2 weekends I have been taking a boot camp with my trainer and another trainer at a park near me and there is some running involved but not a ton. I absolutly love the boot camp. There was about 20 people both times I went and it kicks my butt and makes me feel energized for a few hours after wards. I haven't had any horrible pains from it and just stop and modify when I can't do something. I am being very cautious.
I still haven't seen much movement on my scale even with the extra stuff I am doing both exercise and food wise. I have cleaned up my food really good the past week stopped eating so much junk which for me means carbs and sugars. And nothing. :(    I will not let it defeat me , it will show up eventually. Looking forward to measurements this month because I am hoping to see it there.

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