Monday, June 30, 2014

Back wards!!!! Ahhh

So headed back up the scale again. Boo Hoo!!! I only have myself to blame on this though. Not eating strict but after a year in a half I am kinda sick of eating strict. But if I want to hit my goal I just need to stick to it. I go back and forth in my head and it sucks. I know everyone trying to lose does this. It can get so frustrating. This weekend was great!!! I went paddleboating with my husband for our date night and it was so cool. This is stuff we would have never done a year ago. So I look at that and it makes me feel good. I have to stop caring soooooooo much about what the scale says but it isn't easy since that is what is instilled in my head. Got to get to goal , doctors goal, my personal goal etc..... What's the goal a #!!! So fine a # well I know I will see it eventually and I am choosing to not dwell on how fast!!! Right now I am going to remember the accomplishments I have made in the last yr and a half. I am down 115 lbs and in a size 16 from a 28 back in December of 2012. I can run I can jump and I can ride amusement park rides...... and I am happier then I have been in years. I am teaching my kids and husband a better way to live!!! Healthy and Active!!! So I move on from here and just keep on keepin on!!!!

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