Wednesday, May 21, 2014

10 months Post Op !

Wow really can't believe its been 10 months since my surgery. I started finally losing again after a little stall. According to my scale at home this month I dropped 7 pounds which I am very happy with. I am 5 lbs from wonderland which is a stinker on my scale. I am not sure I will ever hit it. Ugh it just seems like as soon as I get this close I gain. So we shall see. I have my 9 month post op apointment with my doctor next week so I am going to start being really strict again and see if I can drop a few before then. I would love to drop the 5 and weigh in under 200 but I don't want to disappoint myself. Physical therapy is going well, I definately feel stronger but still have some pain when I try to walk longer distances. This week he taped my knee and it has helped a ton. I was told I could do the elliptical now at the gym so I am so happy about that!!! I can once again begin my love affair with the elliptical :)   No running yet but the elliptical comes in a close 2nd to that. I went today for blood work so the doc can see if I am definciant in anything . I am curious to see how that comes back cause I have been feeling a bit more drained lately and it shouldn't be that way cause I am getting more sleep since I can't workout every morning. I was iron deficiant last time but I couldn't handle those damn iron pills so I stopped taking them. I hope it isn't that again. They upset my stomach something horrible. School is almost over for the girls however I signed them both up for summer school but that is more fun for them and keeps them learning. I think Emilee will benefit a ton from that. No more early morning orchestra so I can workout again on Tuesday mornings. I am so excited for that. I looked into some 5k's for once I can run again and I don't think I will be able to do any until July which is great cause I would like to celebrate my 1 year surgery date and birthday with a 5k so hoping to find one between 7/22 and 7/28. The other one I would really like to do is the Biggest Loser Race on Aug 3rd downtown Chicago. I want to run one on the lakeshore if I don't this year I will be just driving down there and parking to run it on my own. I also need to find me a 10K to do around Oct or November. I can't wait to run again!!!!

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