Saturday, June 14, 2014

So Close to Onederland!!

Oh man this morning I stepped on the scale and that baby kept going back and forth 199 to 200. It eventually ended on 200.4 but OMG I was still so damn excited people would have thought I did hit the 199. I am so happy that it is finally going to happen. I have been eating a lot of fish the past two weeks and I just wonder if that is what it finally getting the scale to move. I also have been much stricter with my eating too. Oh and I started drinking coffee again....... Not sure if that is a good thing or bad but who knows if that has something to do with it too. It definately helps with the mindless snacking cause I am not hungry. I think I should see Onederland next week!!! Yay, I hope. Then I have to lose 4 more pounds to see it on the scale at the gym. So hopefully officially there by July.
I did start running a bit more now too cause I am out of therapy. I did a fitness test on Thursday in 27 mins actually 26.51. It was running .25 miles, 20 pushups and 20 situps. I ran 5.0 and 5.3 which was the fastest so far that I have ran. I was very happy with that. Last time I did the fitness test it was back before I broke my foot and I think I did it in 34 or 36 mins if I am remembering right. So shaved some time off there.
Today I start helping my friend with ALS from 1 to 5pm. I am so happy that I can help and that my mom is willing to watch the girls the extra time. I am a little nervous cause I don't want to get emotional I want to be strong for her. I am also nervous cause it is difficult to understand her and I don't like having to ask her to repeat herself. This will be good I am excited to spend some time with her and help her in anyway she needs.
I have had a stomach ache a lot this week so I am wondering if I do need to scale back on the coffee. It could be too much for it. I am not having any today so we will see how I feel.

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