Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Trail Running!!

Sunday I finally joined my trainer and few people from our fitness group on a trail run in the woods. Can I just say I LOVED IT!!! Totally different experience then just running on the sidewalk or track. Plus my trainer wouldn't let me listen to music so I actually got to enjoy the scenery and really listen to my breathing. I ran most of it. I would say I walked maybe a 1/2 mile maybe. I tried to just stay jogging when I got to a big hill I would be dead by the time I was done and have to catch my breath but not too bad. I can't wait to go back. I wish I had a trail like that closer to home cause Id be on it everyday!!! It brought back that feeling again , the feeling of new and exciting!!! It has been missing for a while. Also my husbands cousin ran in the chicago marathon on Sunday and just following her and getting excited for her to finish has sparked that goal again. Someday I will run the Chicago Marathon. I will!!!! So I was reading that you have to train 2 yrs for that so I am going to start now. First goal to run a whole mile non stop and then 2 and then 3 and so on!!! I think I should be up to 26.2 by the time the marathon is in 2016 or 2017.

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