Saturday, September 20, 2014

Forever back and forth!!

I am sick of my head going back and forth between motivated and not caring!!! I have taken a step back this week and pretty much stopped caring what I put in my mouth and what I have done to exercise. It is bitter sweet! On one hand I am feeling some of my stress lifted and Im feeling myself breathing a bit better but on the other hand I am gaining weight and not feeling good physically- lack of energy. I definately can tell a difference in my body and how I feel every morning and night. Eating crap makes me feel like crap physically but mentally makes me feel good. I have actually enjoyed my food this week and the taste and liked that. I also haven't been eating the same thing over and over again which is nice. I didn't start the week off on a mission to test things out but as of today it has turned into a test. After tomorrow I am hoping to go back to healthy living and try to put forth more effort at making my food taste good so I can enjoy the heathly stuff as much as the not so heatlhy stuff. I am definately going to start working out everyday again- that I miss a ton. I am one of those crazy people that enjoys sweating and kicking my butt!!! Things have been tight money wise so food will be a challenge this week but I will figure it out and make better choices. It is amazing how the cheap $1 stuff is so bad . I went to CVS this week and they have a $1 isle with mac n cheese, rice a roni , cereal, and all that easy to make stuff. So bad but so good and affordable when all you have is some change in your pocket. I still have my goals that I want to achieve so I will be working on it again. Life has been rough lately but it is looking up and I see a light at the end of the tunnel. I just need to get my mind right again. It will always be a struggle but I get stronger with each bump.

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