Monday, June 30, 2014

Back wards!!!! Ahhh

So headed back up the scale again. Boo Hoo!!! I only have myself to blame on this though. Not eating strict but after a year in a half I am kinda sick of eating strict. But if I want to hit my goal I just need to stick to it. I go back and forth in my head and it sucks. I know everyone trying to lose does this. It can get so frustrating. This weekend was great!!! I went paddleboating with my husband for our date night and it was so cool. This is stuff we would have never done a year ago. So I look at that and it makes me feel good. I have to stop caring soooooooo much about what the scale says but it isn't easy since that is what is instilled in my head. Got to get to goal , doctors goal, my personal goal etc..... What's the goal a #!!! So fine a # well I know I will see it eventually and I am choosing to not dwell on how fast!!! Right now I am going to remember the accomplishments I have made in the last yr and a half. I am down 115 lbs and in a size 16 from a 28 back in December of 2012. I can run I can jump and I can ride amusement park rides...... and I am happier then I have been in years. I am teaching my kids and husband a better way to live!!! Healthy and Active!!! So I move on from here and just keep on keepin on!!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

So Close to Onederland!!

Oh man this morning I stepped on the scale and that baby kept going back and forth 199 to 200. It eventually ended on 200.4 but OMG I was still so damn excited people would have thought I did hit the 199. I am so happy that it is finally going to happen. I have been eating a lot of fish the past two weeks and I just wonder if that is what it finally getting the scale to move. I also have been much stricter with my eating too. Oh and I started drinking coffee again....... Not sure if that is a good thing or bad but who knows if that has something to do with it too. It definately helps with the mindless snacking cause I am not hungry. I think I should see Onederland next week!!! Yay, I hope. Then I have to lose 4 more pounds to see it on the scale at the gym. So hopefully officially there by July.
I did start running a bit more now too cause I am out of therapy. I did a fitness test on Thursday in 27 mins actually 26.51. It was running .25 miles, 20 pushups and 20 situps. I ran 5.0 and 5.3 which was the fastest so far that I have ran. I was very happy with that. Last time I did the fitness test it was back before I broke my foot and I think I did it in 34 or 36 mins if I am remembering right. So shaved some time off there.
Today I start helping my friend with ALS from 1 to 5pm. I am so happy that I can help and that my mom is willing to watch the girls the extra time. I am a little nervous cause I don't want to get emotional I want to be strong for her. I am also nervous cause it is difficult to understand her and I don't like having to ask her to repeat herself. This will be good I am excited to spend some time with her and help her in anyway she needs.
I have had a stomach ache a lot this week so I am wondering if I do need to scale back on the coffee. It could be too much for it. I am not having any today so we will see how I feel.

Monday, June 2, 2014

June is here!

So found out today that I graduate from physical therapy on Friday!!! Whoo hoo, however I can't start running again until I can do 30 one leg squats in a row and 30 calf raises in a row. So going to be working hard on that. My physical therapist did give me a back to running schedule so I don't end up back there too soon. I started a little running on my own last week but I will be scaling back on that just so I don't get injured. I have at home or gym exercises I need to do. I can definately tell a difference in my quads they are stronger but I have to work on my hips they aren't so strong. I was told about a month more before he thinks I can run again. Boo hoo to that but I have to remain patient.
With all that being said I am being a bit defiant of his instructions because the past 2 weekends I have been taking a boot camp with my trainer and another trainer at a park near me and there is some running involved but not a ton. I absolutly love the boot camp. There was about 20 people both times I went and it kicks my butt and makes me feel energized for a few hours after wards. I haven't had any horrible pains from it and just stop and modify when I can't do something. I am being very cautious.
I still haven't seen much movement on my scale even with the extra stuff I am doing both exercise and food wise. I have cleaned up my food really good the past week stopped eating so much junk which for me means carbs and sugars. And nothing. :(    I will not let it defeat me , it will show up eventually. Looking forward to measurements this month because I am hoping to see it there.