Wednesday, May 21, 2014

10 months Post Op !

Wow really can't believe its been 10 months since my surgery. I started finally losing again after a little stall. According to my scale at home this month I dropped 7 pounds which I am very happy with. I am 5 lbs from wonderland which is a stinker on my scale. I am not sure I will ever hit it. Ugh it just seems like as soon as I get this close I gain. So we shall see. I have my 9 month post op apointment with my doctor next week so I am going to start being really strict again and see if I can drop a few before then. I would love to drop the 5 and weigh in under 200 but I don't want to disappoint myself. Physical therapy is going well, I definately feel stronger but still have some pain when I try to walk longer distances. This week he taped my knee and it has helped a ton. I was told I could do the elliptical now at the gym so I am so happy about that!!! I can once again begin my love affair with the elliptical :)   No running yet but the elliptical comes in a close 2nd to that. I went today for blood work so the doc can see if I am definciant in anything . I am curious to see how that comes back cause I have been feeling a bit more drained lately and it shouldn't be that way cause I am getting more sleep since I can't workout every morning. I was iron deficiant last time but I couldn't handle those damn iron pills so I stopped taking them. I hope it isn't that again. They upset my stomach something horrible. School is almost over for the girls however I signed them both up for summer school but that is more fun for them and keeps them learning. I think Emilee will benefit a ton from that. No more early morning orchestra so I can workout again on Tuesday mornings. I am so excited for that. I looked into some 5k's for once I can run again and I don't think I will be able to do any until July which is great cause I would like to celebrate my 1 year surgery date and birthday with a 5k so hoping to find one between 7/22 and 7/28. The other one I would really like to do is the Biggest Loser Race on Aug 3rd downtown Chicago. I want to run one on the lakeshore if I don't this year I will be just driving down there and parking to run it on my own. I also need to find me a 10K to do around Oct or November. I can't wait to run again!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

3rd 5K finished!!! 2 to go and a 10k!!

This past weekend was busy!!! But a good busy! On Saturday I did a 5k with my daughter Kaylee for Girls on the Run! It was at St James Farm in Warrenville and let me tell you ... Not the best for my knee because it was on pretty much all grass and mud trails which where uneven as heck. For me right now the only thing really bothering my knee is uneven ground so needless to say I did the best I could. We completed it in 54 mins which was below the goal my daughter set from last years race so very happy!!! I was told I couldn't run by my physical therapist but I have come to realize not running isn't possible in any race. First off Kaylee picks the beginning of the line so we had to run the beginning so we didn't get trampled. Then at the end we had to run it in . We did jog a little in the middle but not much. It was a beautiful area and scenery and I would love to do it again when I am all better. It was an awesome experience with my daughter and I am looking forward to next years.
Food wise this weekend was bad but soooo good. Saturday night my hubby took me out for dinner to Salerno's in Hodgkins and it was awesome. Italian at its finest. Sunday we took his mom out for Lunch at Chilis but I tried to be better there but those chips and salsa are my down fall. I took left overs home from both places. Now on Sunday I workout with my mother in law which was great. She had both knees replaced in October so it was great seeing her ride the bike. I am so proud of her cause she has had complications with it and she is one tough cookie. I rode the bike 20 mins and walked on the treadmill for 20. It was all I could do before the knee started to bother me. Stupid knee!!! I am feeling good though definately stronger in my knee/leg. Alot of the physical therapy is for the muscles around the knee . Monday was busy busy busy. In the morning I met with my trainer at 5am worked out on treadmill after and then at 7am had my physical therapy. I then had a field trip with Kaylee and her 4th grade class to the Museum of Science and Industry. Walked all day which my knee only started bothering me at the last hour , hour and 1/2. I was exhausted wanted to go to bed at 5pm but I did clean a bit and ended up with a burst of energy. I downloaded my body media information for the day and burned over 1000 calories . I tried to get up this morning to workout but didn't, which is better anyway right now cause Kaylee has early morning orchestra which makes it really hard in the mornings but I do have physical therapy tonight and it is getting a bit harder so that will be good. I will definately be going tomorrow morning, it makes such a difference in my mood. Especially since the 5k because I know I can do a bit more then I thought now. However I am reminded by my Physical Therapist not to get too over the top with it yet. Not easy for me right now! So I was very excited that last Friday I stepped on the scale with a 2 lb lost. I have been in a rut and haven't 2 lbs in a while. I think that is another reason my attitude has gotten better. I have my 9 month follow up with the Surgeon on the 28th. We shall see how that goes, I was hoping to meet there goal given to me by then but that is okay I feel great and that is all that matters.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

So easy to get Lazy!!!

Why is it so easy to get Lazy!! I hate it, it isn't just your body that gets lazy it's your mind too. You stop pushing you stop giving yourself pep talks .... You pretty much shut down!!! I hate it and no matter how hard I try to turn it around I can't. I know its because I can't workout hard and it is so frustrating and I am so impatient and Im going NUTS!!! I am starting to make excuses again and finding myself vegging in front of the television with food at night and I hate myself for falling!!! I tell myself todays a new day start fresh and then something stresses me out and because I can't turn to exercise right now I am turning to my freaking fridge or cabinents. It is a never ending cycle and I need to forge through it. I know this is only temporary but damn not being able to do what I use to is taking its toll on me. I am frustrated with myself because I thought I was stronger then this.
I started physical therapy last week and it is fine but I don't sweat which makes me feel like Im doing nothing. I do feel my knee is getting stronger and it isn't as painful as it use to be. so that is good news. But with that I catch myself thinking shit it feels better I am going to run this weekend in my 5K. NOOOOOO I know I cant because I will probably reverse all the good Ive done so far. Again I want to pull my hair out. I haven't been going to the gym because I am afraid I will push myself too hard because I think I can go farther and then end up messing something up. I do have to say that my trainer really worked me out good last Thursday and we did nothing with the legs. So I know thats good but can't see him every day!!! Plus my stupid gym closed down so I have to drive a little further now and I find myself saying it isn't worth it cause I all I can do is the treadmill walking , now that I am typing this I realize how stupid of me.... WALKING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING!!! See this is why I like to blog because I always get AHA moments while I type and think. LOL  So my thoughts for now is that who cares if it is only walking ..... time to get my ass in gear!!! I do have the Girls on the Run 5k on Saturday with Kaylee and I am looking forward to that. I will walk it and hope I can control myself from running. I am going to clean out my drawers at work and at  home to get rid of all the crap again and stock back up with fruits and veggies more. I can do this , just a bump in my journey..... Time to turn it around!!!