Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2nd Day Herbal Life

For this first week I am going to try and post every day if anything worth sharing pops up. Yesterday ended well I ended up having energy through the day and night. I enjoyed a shake for dinner and just made the plain vanilla with ice this time and it made a huge difference. Absolutely yummy. It is like having desert.  Ended the evening a little hungry but not feeling any urge to binge or go crazy. Which is one thing I was looking for with the Herbal life , to help control my out of control urges. I love it and so far so good.
Today went much better, more prepared and put a banana in my morning shake which was oh so yummy. Had my tea before and I have to say the tea isn't the greatest tasting but man the benefits from it out weight that. I havent' had caffeine so far either and havent' been craving that. I know it is only day 2 but I really am confident this was the one thing missing in my weight loss journey. I have tried and tried to do this without any help and just needed something to help with the cravings and uncontrollable urges and so far so good. I can't wait to see how my weight is at the end of the week.

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