Monday, July 30, 2012

1st day on Herbal Life

Good Morning Everyone-  today begins my herbal life story. I woke up late this morning rushing but got my tea drink in and was able to make my shake.
I mixed raspberries in the French Vanilla Formula 1 shake and add 2 scoops of the protein. I forgot the ice but the drink was still good. It kind of smelled like baby formula but I had to look past that. It was actually good the consistency was a thick milk shake but I think if I remembered the ice it would have been more icecreamy. The tea is starting to work and even after going to bed at 1 am I am energized and focused. I just finished the shake about 20 mins ago and have no hunger what so ever. I really thought I wouldn't feel like I ate but I am pleasantly full. Unfortunately I wasn't able to prepare the way I really wanted for the day. I grabbed an apple and some carrots but have no protein for my snacks at all and I know I am suppose to have protein with every meal and snack. It was a busy and hectic sunday for us so I failed miserably in the preparedness department.  I will add more to this blog tomorrow morning just to let everyone know if I still felt good in the evening. Oh and I took a Cell U loss pill with breakfast. No jittery type feelings yet just energized.

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