Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New beginnings!!!

Well back at it!!!! Herbal life was my first shot..... down hill.  It was too expensive and for some reason I just couldn't stay on it. I am just not able to get my attitude adjusted to motivate myself again. 12/26 2010 I started weight watchers and registered to for my very first 5k. Was motivated and lost over 50 lbs. Worked out twice a day and stuck to my points ...... Where is that motivation again!!!!! I am so depressed and can't for the life of me snap out of it. Weight Watchers really worked kept me on target and motivated me and kept me accountable. I am going to try it again...... and start my working out again. I am going to register for a 5K again in May and hopefully this will get me motivated. I am recruiting my co-worker this time and we are going to help motivate each other. I will be beginning everything on 10/15. DON'T JUST SET A GOAL.... CRUSH IT!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oh Herbal LIfe

Ok so it's been a few days since last blogging. I lost touch for a few days. Sometimes I seriously feel like an addict. Food is my drug. I can go a few days feeling fine without certain things and then BAM can't stand it and have to have the chips and crap. It really doesn't help that my husband isn't on with me and the herbal life.
I still love it but if I can't stay on it and follow the plan for a whole week then what's the point. I was doing so good with the weight loss too. It's just me I sabotage myself every time. Ahhhh.
So I am going to try and prepare better and make sure I am eating every 2 hours instead of 3. My uncle is taking herbal life and he said that really helps him with the urges to eat.
I really wish everyone who views these posts would please leave feedback, let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 3 Herbal Life

Day 3 still feeling good! Getting a little bored with the shakes but not too bad. It is making my breakfast and Dinner much easier and I get more done around the house. Energy is still there, today however I have a little bit of a headache. I not only started this but also took my soda pop out of my daily drink and just drink my herbal life tea and water. So I am wondering if the headache is due to that. The Herbal tea does have natural caffeine in it but not sure how much.
Before when eating healthy and trying to lose weight my weigh in days were Mon,Wed and Fri only to keep me motivated through the week  and on top of my eating over the weekend. Today being Wednesday I weighed in at 309 (I just noticed I never stated my beginning weight in any of my blogs-7/30 beginning weight 311) so that was definately a motivation. I left home feeling like I am doing something right!!! AND TO KEEP IT UP!!!   I am trying not to weigh in so much but I really do it for motivation not because I am obsessed with it. I have noticed today that I feel a lot less bloated in my stomach area. I haven't had much gas either. I know gross but I was so gassy for the last few months and now it is practically not at all. That for me is a very good improvement.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2nd Day Herbal Life

For this first week I am going to try and post every day if anything worth sharing pops up. Yesterday ended well I ended up having energy through the day and night. I enjoyed a shake for dinner and just made the plain vanilla with ice this time and it made a huge difference. Absolutely yummy. It is like having desert.  Ended the evening a little hungry but not feeling any urge to binge or go crazy. Which is one thing I was looking for with the Herbal life , to help control my out of control urges. I love it and so far so good.
Today went much better, more prepared and put a banana in my morning shake which was oh so yummy. Had my tea before and I have to say the tea isn't the greatest tasting but man the benefits from it out weight that. I havent' had caffeine so far either and havent' been craving that. I know it is only day 2 but I really am confident this was the one thing missing in my weight loss journey. I have tried and tried to do this without any help and just needed something to help with the cravings and uncontrollable urges and so far so good. I can't wait to see how my weight is at the end of the week.

Monday, July 30, 2012

1st day on Herbal Life

Good Morning Everyone-  today begins my herbal life story. I woke up late this morning rushing but got my tea drink in and was able to make my shake.
I mixed raspberries in the French Vanilla Formula 1 shake and add 2 scoops of the protein. I forgot the ice but the drink was still good. It kind of smelled like baby formula but I had to look past that. It was actually good the consistency was a thick milk shake but I think if I remembered the ice it would have been more icecreamy. The tea is starting to work and even after going to bed at 1 am I am energized and focused. I just finished the shake about 20 mins ago and have no hunger what so ever. I really thought I wouldn't feel like I ate but I am pleasantly full. Unfortunately I wasn't able to prepare the way I really wanted for the day. I grabbed an apple and some carrots but have no protein for my snacks at all and I know I am suppose to have protein with every meal and snack. It was a busy and hectic sunday for us so I failed miserably in the preparedness department.  I will add more to this blog tomorrow morning just to let everyone know if I still felt good in the evening. Oh and I took a Cell U loss pill with breakfast. No jittery type feelings yet just energized.

Monday, July 23, 2012

My Weight Story!!!

I have a wonderful Herbal life health coach and she is my cousin so I am a little biasis. However it was one of the last pushes I needed to get my life back in order and to lose this weight I have been carrying around for over 12 years. Here is the beginning of my blog I will try to blog once a week, at least , just to let everyone know how I am doing on Herbal life and what my weight loss is. My story is probably like a lot of others and I am sharing it with you today.
I am going to be 34 on Saturday and have been going on 12 years of being obese. I gained most of my weight between 1998 and 2001. I met a wonderful man in March of 98 and once that happen I stopped taking care of myself and started enjoying my time with him and eating at great places and not having time to exercise like I use too and before I knew it I had gained over 100 lbs by my wedding day in 2001. I tried losing it before the wedding but I was so stressed with all the wedding plans I wasn't successful at all. From 2001 till now I have been on every diet out there, I have joined gym after gym, bought all the new workout dvds on the market and read all the books but haven't had much success. Don't get me wrong I have lost on most of them but got pregnant twice had two beautiful girls and have stopped taking care of me and concentrating on them. Now over 300lbs I am just done. I have a healthy and active person inside me just dying to get out and enjoy life with my kids and husband. So I have now decided to try herbal life. I have the exercising down ,I love to exercise I work out at least 3x to 5x's a week and I enjoy it. I just love how my stress levels lower and my positive attitude sores after a good workout. I love to sweat the more the better cause then I feel very accomplished. I ordered my herbal life today and  I am just waiting for them to be delivered. I will begin my journey and this time I mean Successful Journey on July 30th. I am hoping this blog helps others please leave comments ask questions. I want to not only be successful on this but I also want to motivate others and hopefully help others be successful too.