Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sabotage!!- Emotional

It happens to us all, tons of stress and we get Emotional and Sabotage ourselves! Or we talk ourselves into a treat way too many times....."you've worked so hard", "you deserve it", "what is one scoop of ice cream really going to do anyway?", "I'll just workout harder tomorrow to make up for it"............. That stupid voice in your head!!!! I have worked hard and I do deserve a treat every once in a while but when it becomes a daily thing it needs to stop. I catch myself every few months falling into that trap and seeing myself reverting to old ways. It is so hard to stay on track every day and for so long. I have been working on this since December of 2012 and my mentality in the beginning was - this is a life change not a diet. But right now I feel like life change? What is that? My diet has gone on so long and I just want to enjoy food again. I just want to eat a full cheeseburger or a full order of cheese fries again. I was doing so good too, food is my fuel I kept saying eat only to fuel myself for living and working out. Why does this happen? I am trying to get motivated again but there are things in life that just stress me out and make my mind wander to a place I hate. I have tried a lot of things to motivate myself but nothing is working anymore. I know I have come a far way and I only have a little more to go and I knew the last of the pounds were going to be hard but didn't realize how hard. Time to get my mind back in the game and stop letting myself sabotage myself!!!! I start today and I take it one day at a time. No more eating crap no more EXCUSES!!!!

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