Monday, July 14, 2014

5:2 Intermittent Fasting

So I have come to realize that even with Surgery I will forever be trying new diets!!! Dreaded word lets say eating plans instead. I have a group of people that had sleeve surgery the same month as me that I have been a part of since day one and last weekend one of them told me about 5:2 Intermittent Fasting because I have been feeling down cause I have been reverting back to some old ways. Well basically what you do is "fast" 2 days out of the week 550 calories allowed in two meals spread 12 hours apart. The rest is water , water , water you can also have coffee black or tea. On the other 5 days you eat 1200 calories with no white breads or normal eating for a sleever. Protein and veggies some fruits low carbs. Well I started last week on Monday with a fasting day. That was a bit hard but I made it and stuck to it. I had a black iced coffee mixed with a vanilla protein drink for breakfast and then at dinner I had a taco salad with Ground beef , lettuce , cheese, tomatoe, black olives and low fat sour cream came out 552 calories for the day. Then Tuesday, Wednesday normal days didn't crave carbs or chocolate like I had been which was fabulous. Thursday my 2nd fasting day and it was a little easier I noticed on both days about noon which is my normal lunch time I would get a wave of panic and anxiety and think I am not going to make it at that point I'd facebook my sleeve group girls that where doing the 5:2 with me and try to stay extra busy. It lasted about an hour and then BAM a feeling of euphoria came over me. I would be so energized and goofy- I really think I drove my co-worker insane. It was probably one of the best feelings I have had for a while. So I know you want to hear about the #'s too. Well on Monday I weighed in 202 and on Friday my normal weight in day I was 194 HOLY HELL 7lbs since Monday are you kidding me!!! Crazy shit!! Now thats great shit thats AWESOME! but how it makes me feel is so much more rewarding for me right now. I feel powerful on fasting days like if I can do this I can do anything. It is so weird. So today is again a fasting day for me and can I just say a HELL of ALOT easier today. Not thinking nearly as much about food and really enjoying the extra time I have today during the afternoon to try and get things done at work. I am hoping for similar results this week maybe a little less weight loss but the fact I woke up this morning looking forward to a fasting day tells me this may be my way of life for a LONG time.
I had boot camp yesterday and woke up this morning sore as hell. So definately a good boot camp. Love feeling sore!!! I took it pretty easy last week on exercise cause my knee was bothering me and I think that it worked. My knee feels much better today and I got some well needed extra sleep last week. Maybe that helped too with my weight loss. This week I am back to a few days of the week working out early morning but I am just going to make sure I am in bed early enough.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Onederland , Onederland , oh yes Onederland!!!

I made it to Onederland!!! Hell yeah!!! I was so happy I cried! Total pounds lost 120. I still can't believe it and it amazes me everyday. There are times I pass the mirror and don't recognize myself. Now to get far enough below it I never can see 200 again... LOL it is never ending....
This journey has been amazing and I am beginning to finally see the end. My ultimate goal is 138 so 60 pounds left. Now I may hit 150 and feel like it is the magic # and if that happens I stop and smell the roses and begin my maintance.
This weekend was July 4th and I did extremely well at the 4th celebration. I didn't splurge like I use to. I had one small bite of a funnel cake, about 5 bites of a piece of pizza and then found a yummy sugar free snow cone to end my night out. JULY is one of the best months of the year!!! My absolute favorite cause of the Fireworks and because ...... its my birthday month!!! I am sure my husband is hearing it ring in his ear.... "its my birthday" its my birthday" I am such a goof ball. I am so excited for our vacation at the end of the month too. Going up to see my grandma in Wisconsin and spend some fun time in the Dells too. Can't wait. My Grandma hasn't seen me since I lost all this weight so I am sure that will be shocking for her. I also did my boot camp class both days this weekend and that was GREAT!!! My knee has been bothering me again but I pushed through it and went home and iced it. It does feel a bit better today. I have to baby it a few more days otherwise I may be asking for it. My goal this month is to sign up for a 5k so I can get another one under my belt.