Friday, November 29, 2013

First 5K - Thanksgiving day !

Completed my first 5K on Thanksgiving!!! I did it in 47mins which I am so very proud of. It was called the Pie run so it was actually 3.14 miles. I got 2 pies after the race so that was pretty cool. I went with my Cousin Jessica and my trainer Vance. Trainer did it in less then 30 mins , I hope someday that will be me. I love to Run. I forgot how much until the race. I remember running so much in highschool and I can't wait to lose more weight because it is just going to make it easy.  It was very cold so after the finish my lungs were burning and I started coughing like I was smoking again. It was only for a little while after so that was good it didn't last longer. My right knee is killing me today. I had torn my ACL back in 1997 and had surgery so I was expecting some pain but this pain is a little worse then when I was training. I will give it a few days of recupurating before worrying too much . I may wear a knee brace next race. I am contemplating doing a 5k in January we shall see. Training with my Trainer is going very well. I think this month is going to be slow on losing weight. The past two weeks I have lost 1 lb each week and I was use to 3 lbs a week. But in all honesty I am still happy with 1 lb. Hoping my knee starts feeling better soon.

Monday, November 18, 2013

1 month down with Personal Trainer!!!SUCCESS!!!

Weighed in with the Trainer on Saturday and have lost 14 lbs since I started on 10/17. I have lost an inch in my chest, waist and hips!!! Whoa!!! So happy!!! I know part of it is my eating and WLS but not all of that baby. they say average of maybe 10lbs lost per month at this point and I am superseding that because of my trainer. Plus I have muscles I haven't seen in years and I feel pretty damn good. I can't wait to see 199 again. And for the first time in 15 years I believe I will see it again. I am having some issues with the hubby keeping up with the weight loss. He has definately been a bit more jealous and protective then I have ever seen him. It feels nice but not nice too. I know this is all part of the journey and I just keep reassuring him that he is my one and only. He has been trying to lose weight too and has done awesome, he has lost 20 lbs since October and that is so good. I think he was hoping for more but I keep reassuring him that down is better then up..... no matter how much is lost. My wedding ring is so loose on me now that I am starting to get worried it is going to fall off. Time to get some insurance on it just in case. Today was a training session on my arms and holy cow are they sore tonight!!! Love it!!! Really excited for my 5k on Turkey day!! I can't wait to see my time , I hope it is as good as I think it will be. I can jog and not have my knees killing me. I love it. Food wise things are going good, I have had somethings I should be staying away from but not bingeing like i use too and just able to have a handful and move on. That is such a great benefit to this surgery.