Thursday, October 17, 2013

3 months post op

I can't believe it has been 3 months already. Time has flown right by. I am 242 lbs and have lost 41 lbs since surgery and 76 since I began this journey. I have almost completely stopped emotional eating , I still have a moment once a month -damn period! But for the most part it is gone. I replaced it with exercise. If I have an urge I will pop in a video or hop on the treadmill before thinking twice.  Even if it is only a 20 min workout by the end I no longer want what I was going for. I still eat protein, eggs and cheese. I have now added in vegtables 1/2 cup cooked a day and starting next week I can add a 1/2 cup of fruit back a day. I don't eat veggies everyday. Some days I just don't want them. I started my gym membership this month and boy did I need it. I was getting so bored. I also signed up with a personal trainer this week. I am so excited for this next chapter in my life. To be healthy and a good role model for my two beautiful daughters.

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