Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Personal Trainer

Let me just say I love my Personal Trainer. He is kicking my butt and pushing me. I am doing things I never thought I would be able to do and feeling awesome. I went on 10/12 for my free session signed up with him on 10/17 and have been seeing him every Monday and Thursday. So- 4 real sessions under my belt. I have learned I hate Burpee's and Bear Crawls but I have also learned how good they are for me. So it is a love/hate relationship. I think he was a little easy on me the first week cause he really pushed me hard on Monday. I was literally feeling like my chest was going to pop. It was only for a few mins but I didn't die and I made it through and felt damn good.
I have officially become addicted to exercise. I didn't go yesterday and felt crappy all day. There is no excuse for me not to go to bed early and get up early to workout. Now that being said when is it too much? When does it turn into a bad thing? I should be happy my addiction has moved from food to exercise but I get worried. Maybe I am thinking too much about it and need to do what feels good and stop worrying. Thats what I am going to do stop worrying and just do what feels good.
This morning I took a look at myself in the mirror for the first time in years and actually felt pretty damn proud of what my body looks like right now. It is no where near my goal but I can only imagine how I will feel then. I can see and feel bones I haven't in a long time and it is so exciting for me. It is unbelieveable . I really didn't think Id notice so soon. I figured it was going to take my brain a lot longer to catch up. I swear during that first week after surgery I was cursing myself for doing this and now I wouldnt change my decision for 10 bad weeks. It was the best decision I could have made. My 2nd best decision was hiring my personal trainer. Honestly every other trainer I have done the free sessions with have annoyed me and just didn't listen to me and what I wanted. He did and is very down to earth and not a snob... I finally have been taught how to do a proper squat and lunge to where my knees aren't swollen and painful the next day. Anyway I will post back soon !!! And I forgot the #'s I weighed myself this morning and weighed in at 236. Oh yeah baby!!! 82 lbs since I started this journey and 47 lbs since surgery 3 months and 1 week ago... I am so pleased.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

3 months post op

I can't believe it has been 3 months already. Time has flown right by. I am 242 lbs and have lost 41 lbs since surgery and 76 since I began this journey. I have almost completely stopped emotional eating , I still have a moment once a month -damn period! But for the most part it is gone. I replaced it with exercise. If I have an urge I will pop in a video or hop on the treadmill before thinking twice.  Even if it is only a 20 min workout by the end I no longer want what I was going for. I still eat protein, eggs and cheese. I have now added in vegtables 1/2 cup cooked a day and starting next week I can add a 1/2 cup of fruit back a day. I don't eat veggies everyday. Some days I just don't want them. I started my gym membership this month and boy did I need it. I was getting so bored. I also signed up with a personal trainer this week. I am so excited for this next chapter in my life. To be healthy and a good role model for my two beautiful daughters.