Monday, September 9, 2013

7 Weeks Post Op!!! VSG

I am doing great!!! First of all my surgery was on 7/22/13. I had the Vertical Sleeve done and also 2 hernia repairs. The first week was the worst but as the weeks went on It got better. Day 2 after surgery was awful. I was nauseous and in so much pain I didn't want to move. I felt so bad because this was the day everyone wanted to come up and visit me and I just didn't want visitors. I did a little regretting that day but none ever since that day. I was off work for 2 weeks and went back part time for the 3rd week. By week 4 I was great and able to work full time again. Lets start with my #'s: SW: 318 12/12, SW: 283 7/13, CW: 257 9/13 I have lost 26 lbs since surgery and a Total of 61 lbs since I began this journey. I honestly have to say I am so happy I got this done. I know that some people say its the easy way out but it is not . I am working just as hard if not harder since surgery. I cant just sit around and slack off thinking the lbs will just shed off. It doesn't work that way. I eat between 600-1000 calories a day. I noticed that the days I work out I eat more. I can eat about 3 to 4 oz of protein at a time and feel full for at least 5 hours. I don't have the hunger like I use to and I have begun learning how to control my urges to eat. I am retraining myself and I love it. I do get tired a bit more easily now but its nothing a few extra hours of sleep can't fix. I have been working out (walking and aerobics) between 4-6 days a week for at least 30 mins but most of the time it is almost an hour. I can't wait to start at the gym again and switch up some stuff cause I am getting a little bored. Food wise I am still only allowed Meat, Cheese and Eggs. Next week I can start adding a 1/2 of cup of non-starchy veggies to one meal a day. Looking forward to that. No fruit for a bit and no milk. I have "cheated" once or twice but in moderation. It hasn't been anything horrible just a cookie or chip. I went to my first support group meeting and after that I stopped cheating. It really kick me in the butt and I was able to get back on the straight and narrow again.