Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Been a While !!! Alot has happened!!

Wow reading those old posts reconfirms my decision this past 6 months. I have decided to have Weight Loss Surgery. Dec 10th was the beginning of this journey. Met with a surgeon went over my choices and chose to have surgery. I am having Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) on July 22nd.
When I started in December I weighed 318 these past 6 months I have been eating a doctor supervised diet consisting of 6 small meals a day each meal must have a protein in it. Exercising about 3 to 6 days a week about 30 mins at a time.  I am now down to 297!! I went through all the ropes to get approved through my insurance , pschy evaulation , sleep apnea testing- I have severe sleep apnea , cardiologist screening etc... And 6 months of doctor visits. If your not familiar with VSG the doctor will be taking out 80% of my stomach along with that the hormone ghrelin which is what makes you feel hungry. I will have to retrain myself to eat and eventually be able to eat about 1000 to 1200 calories a day. Everyone says the 1st month is the hardest due to the restrictions on food and your body feeling warn down. I am preparing myself for that now. Family has been pretty supportive, they still question me and ask why so drastic and all i can tell them is that I feel it in my heart that this is what I need to do. To be healthy and active. I feel if I continue to let myself be this way I will not live to see my daughters get married. I am having a mixed amount of emotions right now myself , I go from being excited to nervous to anxious to doubting all in a week. But I figure this is normal when you are making such a big decision in your life.