Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New beginnings!!!

Well back at it!!!! Herbal life was my first shot..... down hill.  It was too expensive and for some reason I just couldn't stay on it. I am just not able to get my attitude adjusted to motivate myself again. 12/26 2010 I started weight watchers and registered to for my very first 5k. Was motivated and lost over 50 lbs. Worked out twice a day and stuck to my points ...... Where is that motivation again!!!!! I am so depressed and can't for the life of me snap out of it. Weight Watchers really worked kept me on target and motivated me and kept me accountable. I am going to try it again...... and start my working out again. I am going to register for a 5K again in May and hopefully this will get me motivated. I am recruiting my co-worker this time and we are going to help motivate each other. I will be beginning everything on 10/15. DON'T JUST SET A GOAL.... CRUSH IT!!!!